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Roxi Drive: Make me Scream

Roxi Drive & Nebula Black - Breathe You

Roxi Drive - Night Waves
Roxi Drive -

Heavily influenced by the 80s, Roxi’s smooth vocals and nostalgic, catchy melodies wrapped in synth vibes and funky beats take you back in time to a neon retro paradise.
"A synth heavy love letter to the 80s. Perfect for a summer mix tape."
Neon Dystopia
"With a voice born to ooze 80’s appeal, a “drive” to push the movement of Synth-pop by clever collaborations and lyrics that drip retro-romance, Roxi Drive proves to be a contemporary contender within the scene."
"What makes Roxi Drive’s sound stand apart is her flexible mix of synthwave, electronic-pop, and synth-pop."
"Strangers Of The Night, in my opinion, is MORE than the neon paradise it advertises. Inside these electronic soundscapes, we have an entire city bustling with life and attitude and forward-leaning fashion."
Original Synths

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